Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Best places to take pictures in Bangor, Maine

Sorry for the delay... This week is quite crazy with lots exams!  Something new I'd like to do weekly is list some popular places in the Bangor area to take pictures!

my top 5:

5. The Bog Walk

2.  Stephen King Park

3. The Waterfront

2.  Kenduskeag Stream Park

1.  Cascade Park

There are many great places to take pictures in the area, these are just some of my favorites.  If you have any ideas of your own for great places to take pictures (anywhere in the world)  please write them in the comments section below!  Thanks


  1. I love these photos! You have an eye for photography.

  2. I love these! I actually went to the Bog walk this weekend for the first time ever. It's so pretty. I love taking pictures in the Belfast/Camden/Rockland area where I'm from.

  3. If you're feeling up to a trip there are some really nice views in bar harbor.
